Today\’s featured author is Brenda Mohammed. She was generous enough to take the time to answer some questions so we can know more about her and her writing.
Tell us a little about you. Where are you from? What kind of books do you write? How many books have you written? Do you set your stories in the area you live in?
I am a former bank manager from the beautiful islands of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean.
I write both fiction and non-fiction.
To date, I have written seventeen books.
 Eight of the nonfiction books are memoirs – six personal, one of my father, and one of my deceased pet dog. I wrote a science fiction/horror series – Zeeka Chronicles [ Revenge of Zeeka] comprising of five books, as well as two books of short stories, one children’s book, and one book containing all five stories of the Zeeka series.
The memoirs are set in the area I live, but the Zeeka Series is futuristic and set in the year 2036 on an imaginary island called Gosh.
Zeeka Chronicles [Revenge of Zeeka] was a nominee in the SIBA Awards 2017.inthe category Best Science Fiction. It placed third in that Category.
My Life as a Banker placed second in SIBA Awards 2016 in the category Best Bio/Memoirs.
I am Cancer Free came first in McGrath’s House Awards 2016 in the category Best Non-fiction.
Most writers I know are voracious readers. What kind of books do you like to read? What is your favorite book?
I love reading and will read and review any type of book. I like books with a moral to the story. I cannot pinpoint a favorite book because there are  many that I enjoyed.
Let\’s play a quick game of \”This or That\”.
E-books or real books? E-books.
Coffee or tea? Tea
Sweet or savory? Savory
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Summer or Winter? Summer
Morning or night? Morning
Would you mind telling us about your writing style? Such as: Do you have a routine? Do you need complete silence or blaring music? Early morning writing or late night writing?
My thoughts flow best in the stillness of the night. I can get a lot done between the hours of 8.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m.
Do you have a favorite writing snack?
I cannot eat anything while writing and that is why I love to write after dinner.
Which do you think is the hardest to write: the first sentence or the last one?
The first sentence is easiest to write. From there on the words flow. The characters come to life and tell me what to write.
What is your biggest distraction while writing?
Sometimes while writing, someone will call on the telephone and keep me away from my writing, disrupting my trend of thought. This does not happen very often.
What is the best writing advice you\’ve ever received?
Keep writing, even when it hurts.
Do you have any advice for new writers?
Follow your dreams and never give up.
What\’s next for you? What do your readers have to look forward to?
I will keep on writing. However, my strongest wish is to have one of my books – Zeeka Chronicles [Revenge of Zeeka] made into a movie. Then my readers will really have something for which to look forward.
Where can we connect with you? Tell us where to find you online.
My readers can find me on Facebook where I have four pages:
My Author Page
Fascinating Memoirs
Revenge of Zeeka
Brenda’s Video Book Trailers
I am also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Google Plus.
Amazon Universal Link
Google Plus

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